We know how important pricing and understanding charges are to our customers. We want to make sure item pricing is transparent and easy to understand.

Are item prices on the Instacart marketplace the same as in-store?

Retailers set the prices of items on the Instacart marketplace. While many retailers offer everyday store prices* on Instacart, other retailers may set prices on the Instacart platform that are different than in-store prices. In some cases, a flat percentage is added by the retailer to items to cover the cost of the Instacart service.

*Some in-store sales/promotions may not apply. Refer to the retailer pricing policy for more information.

Note: We reserve the right to cancel an order for any reason, including as a result of incorrectly priced items. If we do cancel an order, we will refund your account for the amount paid.

You can view individual pricing policies for each retailer by clicking on the View pricing policy, Everyday Store Prices, or Higher than in-store prices link at the top of the retailer’s storefront on both the website and in the Instacart app.

Here’s how you can view the retailer’s pricing policy—

In the app

  • Go to the main page of the app and select a retailer
  • Beneath the retailer’s logo at the top, you’ll see the pricing policy: “Everyday Store Prices,” “Higher than in-store prices,” or “View pricing policy”
  • Tap on the logo, then scroll down to Pricing for more information

On the website

  • Go to the main page of the app and select a retailer
  • Beneath the retailer’s logo at the top, you’ll see the pricing policy: “Everyday Store Prices,” “Higher than in-store prices,” or “View pricing policy”
  • Tap on the pricing policy, then scroll down to Pricing for more information

How is the final price for weighted items determined?

Some items, such as loose produce, are weighed in-store. Shoppers always try to get the customer’s requested amount of weighted items, but final weights and prices may vary. The price displayed at checkout for certain items from the deli, meat, and seafood counters is based on the weight and price shown on the Instacart platform. If the items' final weight is different from what you requested or what was displayed on the platform, your receipt adjusts accordingly. We will charge you the updated price.

If you use an EBT card and the final weight of the items is different than what you requested, the extra cost of weighted items is charged to your debit or credit card.

What if I find an item that is priced incorrectly?

If you believe an item is priced incorrectly, please let us know and we will look into it as soon as possible.

  1. Click or tap on the item to open item details
  2. Click or tap Incorrect Info?
  3. Tell us What is wrong with this item? By selecting an option in the menu.

Sending us this alert helps us keep our catalog up to date for all customers.

Coupons and promo codes

Coupons and in-store discounts are sometimes available on our website. Although we’re unable to always offer the same in-store discounts on our platform, we offer a variety of coupons. The coupons you see on Instacart are manufacturer’s coupons that are automatically applied to the qualifying items in your cart. 

Please note that if the original item has to be replaced with a different item that doesn’t qualify, you won’t be able to receive the discount. 

If you receive a promo code, you’ll need to add it to your account before you can apply it to an order. You’ll be able to see if you have any active promo codes in the Promo Codes section of your account.

You can add active promo codes to your account in the app or on the website.

In the app—

  1. Tap the Account icon
  2. Tap Credits, promos & gift cards
  3. Tap Add promo or gift card
  4. Enter the code and tap Redeem

On the website–

  1. Once you’ve logged in, click the 3 horizontal lines at the top left
  2. Click Add Promo or Gift Card
  3. Add the promo code and click Redeem

Once you’ve added the promo code to your account, you’re all done! The promo will be added automatically to the next order that doesn’t contain alcohol. Due to local laws and regulations, we’re not able to apply promos to alcohol. 


Credits are added to your account if you experience order or delivery issues or if you refer friends to the Instacart platform. You don’t have to do anything to accept or apply these. They will automatically apply to any order that doesn’t contain alcohol.


Refer up to 5 friends by email, Facebook, or referral link. They’ll get a $10 credit on their first order, and you’ll get a $10 credit once their first delivery is complete.

In the app–

  1. Tap the Account icon
  2. Select Refer a friend, earn credit under Share Instacart

On the web–

  1. At the top left, click the 3 horizontal lines
  2. Click Invite friends, get $50
  3. Share your referral information via link, social media, or entering the email addresses of the people you want to refer.

You can refer up to 5 friends for a total of $50 referral credit.